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Security Guards @ ​Covid-19 Testing Centers

01 December 2020

Managing Security During A Pandemic Like Covid-19 In West Yorkshire

While many businesses within Bradford West Yorkshire have been ordered closed during the pandemic, essential services like private security continue to operate. 

To do so safely and ​effectively, they need to have a strateg​y that protects their personnel and the public as they continue to protect life and property. 

That requires a concerted fo​cus on three main areas of concern: access control systems, proper interactions with visitors, and flexible use of alternative security techniques.

During any crisis, it is important to maintain strict access controls. In the midst of a pandemic and large-scale economic shutdown, that access control can be even more vital for protecting health and life. 

Security firms should review security procedures at every job site to ensure that access is limited in accordance with current public policy guidelines. 

That may require restricting the number of access points to ensure that traffic can be more efficiently monitored and controlled.

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